Is it ok to buy preloved kids books? How do u clean paper books? what is the other child had hand foot mouth disease or some othr contagious illness?

I came across this article which mentioned how to disinfect books: Here's a quick summary: For.. Soft books - wash with warm soapy water, rinse and dry completely Fabric books - machine wash (or i think hand wash is good too) with baby detergent, air dry Hardcover books - clean using a homemade vinegar solution (by mixing 1/4 cup vinegar with 2 cups warm water). Wipe the book cover and dry immediately by wiping with another piece of cloth. In general, most bacteria and viruses are unable to survive for more than 24 hours (for more information: So these are simply added precaution I guess. Like what Yuna mentioned, it is up to your comfort level whether you are alright with your children handling preloved books.
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