baby poo color

Hi, is this normal or should I bring my baby see doctor? He's turning 1 week's time. First time see such light color. But he seems okay.

baby poo color
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Super Mum

My daughter had occasionally paler stools initially when she had jaundice (we already knew she had it), so we just continued monitoring the jaundice levels at the polyclinic. If you’re worried, consult a doctor at a PD clinic/polyclinic

VIP Member

Yes, please bring your baby to the doctor asap. Light colour stool for a newborn isn’t good. It could be due to jaundice or bile issues.

Our 1 week reference.. But we more on formula milk..

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VIP Member

Is it a week old ?dont look normal, please see pd

VIP Member

Best to bring your baby to the pediatrician

Better take you lo to the doc!

VIP Member

It’s normal don’t worry

Consult pd