Crying everyday post partum
Is it normal for first time mom to be crying everyday after giving birth ? Aside from the baby, its the people around you and you thought people will be there for you emotionally unfortunately not and you have to deal with your own emotions.

not sure if it is normal. i did too. but if you don't talk or share your emotions with the people around you like your husband, they wouldn't understand what you're feeling. it takes time for them to understand but just share with your partner your emotions everyday. he may not be able to do much but hopefully that he will be there physically for those moments you're down and hug you out. stay strong mummy. it will get better.
Read moreI cried everyday too. I felt like a whole load was on my shoulders and I felt like I couldn’t even scream out for help. Tiredness got to me. I prayed daily for the misery to go away. Eventually it did. When I finally got out of the house after a month, I felt free. I felt human again. Rainbows are coming. Have faith alright ❤️
Read moreit is normal because our hormones are adjusting themselves after birth. so it is easy to get extra emotional and sensitive. this can last up to 1 year or more. do try to explain to your loved ones and people around you, get them to be understanding and also convey what you are feeling.
I did too. Am 1.5 month pp and I still cry at times. I remember feeling so horrible and crying every single day for the first 2 weeks pp. you may just not be used to the new life you have now, you will adapt real soon, stay strong mummy.
I cried every day too in the first month. It will be better, slowly but surely. Rest well to regain your strength