Feeling Hungry More Often

Is it normal to feel hungry quite often on week 4 pregnancy?

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Yes. Eat while you still can! Cos when morning sickness comes, not even water can go into your stomach 😅

I took black mores folate as well as the pregnancy and breast feeding. i saw a dr when im at 6 weeks.

4y ago

yes i did :) it was 125bpm. When the dr saw the flickering heart, she told us that we might hear the heartbear. but assured us if we cannot hear it, it is too early. But our bb is a superstar, she/he showed our heartbeat and it made us happy ;)

yes I was hungry every hour in first tri! my bump grew quite fast since week 16 onwards

yes I ate a lot for 1st 7 weeks before my morning sickness start...

normal.take healthy foods often

VIP Member

Yup take healthy snack

yes, it's normal.

VIP Member

