Extreme fear of giving birth 😣

Is it normal to feel extremely scared of giving birth to the point you’ll randomly cry? This is my first pregnancy and Ill be induced and giving birth in few days time. Im really hoping for a natural delivery and not e-csect😣 and can’t shake off the feeling of extreme fear and anxiety. I dont know what will happen, how my body will handle the pain and how im going to endure the pain as i have zero pain tolerance. Ill sometimes randomly cry before bed. I feel like counting down the days to giving birth is like the feeling of counting down the days to being hanged in prison. I know i should be happy and excited for baby to come but im just scared.

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U r not alone. Im having my #2 now and im super scare too! But the fact tt i can go for #2 means it's not tt bad. You can do it!