Hi nice to meet all of you pretties mamas. I m new here.. not married yet but pregnant 4 weeks ?

Hello there! Im pregnant too but not married as well. I dont know about future tho😏 congrats on your pregnancy.. Be super careful with your baby as youre in 1st trimester.. Im 14w4d❤️
hiiiiii.... congrats on ur pregnancy❤. im 36weeks not married too. be sure to make ur pink book at the nearest klinik kesihatan yah.
hye mommy, nanti around 8 weeks dah bokeh buka buka. tak kisah kalau tak kawen asalkan mommy n baby sihat. take care mommy.
Congrats on your pregnancy! Am sure your baby will be your best treasure in ur life
well... idk wht to say but.. i hope u will be fine and always strong ..
Congratz for your pregnancy :) and welcome to theAsianparent platform :)
Me too! 14weeks not married but getting married soon
Hello there! I'm 29w pregnant. I'm a newbie too! ☺
Hello dear, congratz on your pregnancy! 😍
Got a bun in the oven