Teen age mom

nag ask lang naman po ko kung sino po yung mga teenage mom kanina? i'm just worried kasi proud pa raw ako, since 17yrs. old and mag5months preggy na ko nakakadissapoint naman po talaga even mga parents ko na dissapoint den, pero habang tumatagal tanggap naman nila ako, lalo na kasi iisa lang ako anak. Ang sakit lang talaga na marami parin naghuhusga, kahit di nila alam yung story ko. happy lang ??

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No judgment bhe. I think it is not because of your age, but the thought of how you can be responsible for another life when you are not yet at a point that you can be responsible for yourself. At this point, don't feed yourself with negativity or opinions. di talaga lahat yan maggustuhan mo. just do your best now to be a responsible mother to your baby. hindi dapat dahilan na bata ka pa. this time, you have to take it upon yourself to mature for you and your baby. kaya yan mamsh.

Magbasa pa