My nipples are sore from all the breastfeeding. I have tried breastmilk on it and lasinoh nipple cream. Nothing works. I am at my wits end. I don't just direct latch but pump too. Pumping feels better than DL but I want the bonding time as well. Any advice for me? Any cream to use? Or should i try nipple shields. I am about 6 weeks into my bf journey - and i really hate it.

I experienced sore nipples only during the first 2 few days. Lactaction consultant advised correct deep latching, i.e. baby's mouth should cover the whole nipple aerola. I suggest you to seek lactaction consultant's help as soon as possible to check on correct latching techniques. Meanwhile, you can check out youtube videos on how to latch correctly. For example, Do try other latching position which make yourself more comfortable while latching. I like side lying position the most.
Read moreThis may sound like a myth - but it truly does get better. Your nipples are still quite tender and not used to all this 'handling'. They will toughen up over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, do try VCO like the others suggest and check on your baby's latch. I found that nursing while lying down (on my side or on my back with baby on my tummy) helped ease some of the pressure on my breasts. Give it a try and good luck!
Read moreAlways air your nipples whenever you can, it helps to speed up the healing process. Same as the above reply, extra virgin coconut oil is safe for babies. Do check the latch of your baby. sometimes they may not have a deep latch which will causd friction during the suction
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Try Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to heal the wound. EVCO is known for its anti bacterial and anti fungal properties. And it's safe for your LO to ingest too.