My baby hasn't slept through the night yet, but she generally is 'sleepy through the night'. But last night she was wide awake at 4am, eager to play. Then she had a huge poo. What is going on?!? How can I prevent this from happening tonight?

Could your baby be going through a growth spurt? Growth spurts could take place within the first year at two, three and/or six weeks, at three months and/or at six months. It usually last for 2-3 days but could also go up to a week. During which your baby will feed more and would need less sleep (hence waking up more frequently at night or taking shorter naps). Other signs would include your baby appearing more restless and clingy. Growth spurts could also cause your baby to have bowel movements at night due to digestive changes. If your baby is indeed going through a growth spurt, you just need to be attentive to our baby’s cues for more milk or attention. And very importantly, take care of yourself. Drink more water and get as much rest as you could. Here’s an article on baby’s growth spurt:
Read moreFew possibilities why your baby woke up at 4am. 1. She did not have much activities in the day. 2. She slept early the night before. 3. There are things or noises that woke her up at 4am and she cannot get back to sleeping mode. 4. She had upset stomach due to Camilia teething medicine or change in her diet. There are many possible reasons. You can try to keep her active in the day so that she will feel more sleepy at night. Also try to established a sleeping routine & stick to it such as putting her to sleep at a fixed time.
Read moreMight be your baby was not tired that day thats or else she had wet nappy or may be she is hungry above may be the reason for your baby not sleepy through the night you can avoid this situation by make sure she exercised properly in the day , before sleep she had a stomach full and you can always start with the bed routine for your child
Read moreDon’t be worried! It might just be a small change in the previous day’s routine or might be in the transition phase of being a toddler who doesn’t need much sleep during the day to sleep well at night. What’s your kids age? Make sure your kid doesn’t sleep or eat sugary food before sleep, to sleep well through the night.
Read moreShe/He may need a feed, she/he may want your comfort and reassurance during the night, or she/He may benefit from a more consistent bedtime routine to help her/him settle. Teething can also upset your baby's routine and sleep patterns.
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