My baby has jaundice. What should I do?

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In the past and some doctors currently still recommend sunbathing your babies. However the polyclinic did not advocate that when my baby had jaundice and discouraged us from doing so as sunbathing can dehydrate the baby, leading to less urine output. Polyclinics now recommend to offer more fluids(formula or breastmilk) to allow the baby to have more urine to help the body to clear toxins.

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If it is due to breastmilk jaundice, you do not have to stop breastfeeding as breastmilk jaundice is not harmful and normally takes longer to clear it. My daugther's jaundice lasted for about 8 weeks. PD did a liver test on her to rule out any liver associated illness and it is confirmed that jaundice was related to breastmilk. Do nurse more frequently for baby to clear jaundice.

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My son had jaundice for about 3 weeks, almost a month. Doctor told me NOT to sunbath him but instead give him mix feeds; 50% breastmilk 50% formula.

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My baby had a very low level of jaundice, but I just breastfed her until her jaundice washed out in about 1 or 2 weeks.
