83 Replies

Oh please i beg of you don't kill a life. People wait years for a baby and you are lucky to get another one don't end that innocent baby's life. There is no question about it, it is wrong and wish it was made illegal to abort. Have you thought of killing this kid instead that you currently have and keeping the one in your stomach? Then how can you kill an innocent life. Only God can end a life. So i urge you don't go through this. You will regret it. That sweet innocent baby could grow up to be the most beautiful person in the world. Don't please don't !

Not sure how is your decision but I had a termination just recently with #2. It was definitely not an easy decision and but I look at my current circumstances I do not have what it needs to raise two kids happily by myself. From then on, I also have my birth control and told myself not to do the same mistake again since the procedure is not something we wished to go through in the first place. It's not for us to judge why you will abort, I am more for pro choice.

I had to do it when I was younger...looking back at my 6 beautiful kids and the one in my belly I hate myself every day...there is adoption.. I've done that 3 times...there are many families out there that would die to have a baby...I do believe abortion is an option but I feel people should not go to that length unless u have been raped or insest..not if two people had consentual sex and as of that u got pregnant...in that case I believe it's murder..look into adoption first...

I almost went for the abortion of my second child. Everything was booked but end up I didn't go. I didn't have the heart to end the life of my second baby although everyone in the family encourage me to go. As my two children is just 1 year 6 months apart. The age GAP is very near and I have problem to find someone to take care of both of them, and our financials will be very tight. But I didn't regret my decision, I went ahead to gave birth to my second baby :)

My advice is that it’s your body so it’s your choice. Don’t listen to people that try to stop you from doing it because they think that it’s a blessing. Not everyone’s situation is the same. If you’re not ready then don’t have a baby because you wouldn’t want to raise someone in a not-perfect environment. Please don’t feel bad or judged about everything you decide to do. These people have nothing on you.

is not a easy way out let me tell u aborted a bby is a sin in god eyes keep the bby speak to the doc or the sister the ur mouth the is a project name Zoë thy r all hospital pls speak to thm thy r on Facebook also am one of the mom how go every week to retreat mou just for help am getting my 4 child an the dad also wna me to aborted the bby I cnt do tht if u have tht Hart pls go for help am a single mom now an the support I get from Zoë project is great

I'm pregnant with my 3rd and my 2nd child is 8.5 months. abortion is a easy way out, there r many many ladies who wud love to b in ur position. This baby is a blessing for me esp so soon after having my 2nd. of course it's ur life and u gota make up ur mind but when u r ready to have 1, u may not get pregnant so soon. remember God only gives us how much we can handle, no less or no more. Hope u make the right choice x

Well honestly no one is ever ready. You recall you ready for exams? Nope.. at least not for me. I hear even my closest friend wife regret giving up on the child. And mourn dearly that that she didnt make that decision.. honestly for myself i regretted making all the bad decisions. If i could remake them i will never do that.. all the situation might seem bad now but we never know what is the actual story till we take our last breathe..

Hi mum, I will not weigh in my opinion on this as I believe it is the right of every person to choose what they want for their body and their life. With regards to the procedure, if it's 1-2 month you can take the pill ( not available in singapore - but available in Europe or india), otherwise you will have to visit to the gynae who will do a "wash". You will have to watch an abortion video and take 1 week cooling off period.

Do not abort, it's a life. Before u enter in the operation room, they will let u watch a video of how will the abortion be done, what will happen to the foetus inside your body. It's Super bloody and scary. Layman terms; they will insert a clamp and clamp ur baby, causing it to break into smaller pieces and remove them....... No one is ready for newborn. But it depends on how much effort u want to put in. Hang on!

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