pacifier needed for newborn?
hi mummy's please advice does newborn need pacifier? how would I know when they need it? *AS I heard from my MIL that pacifier is bad for baby teeth growth is it truth? I will be using avent classic milk bottle for feed is it better to get the same brand pacifier? (my baby is till in my tummy, just wanted to get ready all item before arrived) ?

For my case, my baby really needs a pacifier. I did not give her pacifier for the 1st few weeks.. Like you, heard from some of my colleagues that using the pacifier will affect the teeth. However, my girl has colic and cries alot.. My PD recommended me to use pacifier to soothe her plus pacifier can reduce the risk of SIDS so I started giving my girl pacifier and I am really glad that I used it... However, not all babies like pacifiers... Pacifiers use, especially beyond the age of 4-5 can increase the chance of the teeth growing out of line.. Must wean off early to prevent this from happening.
Read morePacifier is more for the parents' convenience rather than for babies. Babies don't need pacifier if they can be soothed by other means like boobies, toy, rocking etc. Prolonged use of pacifiers might hinder teeth development but if you wean before 1 year old should be OK. Introduce pacifier after 1 month to avoid nipple confusion. Some babies like mine don't like pacifiers at all so we just have to live without them! No issue so far :). The brand doesn't really matter but if you worry about teeth can get those orthodontic ones
Read moreNo, not all newborn need pacifier. When my girl was a newborn she cried a lot due to colic and reflux, tried to give her pacifier(reluctantly) during the first week, but she rejected. Since then didn’t give her pacifier at all, she was direct latch till I weaned her off completely when she was 15 months(when she started to bite....). Then she drink water and milk from straw cup or cup. She also never used a bottle before since she direct latch. And yes, pacifier may affect teeth growing when it’s prolong usage.
Read moreThe main function of a pacifier is to soothe. I didn’t give cos I don’t want later have so many things to wean later. However, to soothe her, I give her those lovey soother. Pacifier helps prevent SIDS in newborn which I think is good. And some baby very smart, they will pui out the pacifier when they don’t want it. Alternatively, you can only offer the pacifier when sleeping and during daytime don’t suck it (so as not to create habit). Yes, if u getting pacifier, best is buy same brand / range.
Read moredepend, my elder son totally no need buy my younger daughter need. pacifier can make baby calm down, so I think u can get one to standby & see yr baby character. my gal very cranky & keep crying so pacifier help alot, but she only wan when sleep this can make her sleep better won't keep waking up
My baby had colic, and we tried giving him pacifier. He does not like it; he prefer his thumb. Now he’s 6mth old and only suck his thumb when he’s sleeping. I think theres no right or wrong in giving pacifier. Parents just need to know when to wean it off.
i gave my daughter pacifier from 2 months cause it seems to sooth her...i used doctor brown than after 5 months changed to avent. N no it doesnt cause teeth to be crooked my daughter hv perfect teeth all straight. Do invest in gd brands like dr brown or avent
my girl don't like it. my boy can't sleep without it.. I use Avent soothing pacifier.. it helps him have a long sleep a I'm finding solution how my baby boy can sleep without a pacifier...
Try not to give so early, but when they need it just let them have it. My boy started pacifier when he was 2 months old, cause husband gave it to him. He couldnt resist his cries hahaha
we use pacifier usually at night.. but now he prefers latching.