Need help. 7 weeks nauseous with no vomiting.

Hi mummy's! I'm 7 weeks currently. With nausea without vomiting. I'm hungry but I can't eat. I can barely finish my food. I can only take like 2 to 3 mouths of food each time. I try to drink milk to stop my hunger but I'm also lactose intolerant. I've tried eating plain biscuits and bread. Little by little, but my hunger doesn't go down. This feeling at the chest area, that constantly makes me want to puke but THERE IS NO PUKE COMING OUT. What can I do to help me out of this uncomfortable situation?

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Experiencing the same problem. Currently week 11. I usually get super hungry the moment i wake up. I take only scrambled egg or fried egg with as minimum oil as possible, steam egg is fine too. I try taking milo or honey water. As plain water has been hard for me too. I will normally take my lunch after at least 4 hours from breakfast and mainly only protein or veg as i find carbs being too heavy for me. Dinner is worse for me as i can't sleep with a full tummy so i normally take little to light snacks such as fruits or yoghurt. I find lying down and sleep is the best way to cure the nauseous and bloatingness. So i always allow myself to rest 30mins after meal. There's nothing we can do but strive through this process. Hopefully this method helps😊

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