38 weeks + 2 days
Any mummy here experience the same thing as me? Currently 38 weeks 2 days but baby have yet to move to birth canal, totally no sign of labour... feeling super anxious, excited and worry as well..

try taking a walk around the neighborhood, do some light exercises (you can try search at youtube!). i took a walk every day in the morning mostly, then did some light exercises, mostly the legs. important to do some exercises that will ease the labour process, especially during third trimester. i did all the walks and exercises nearing to my EDD, and gave birth at 39 weeks 6 days, just a day before EDD. it wasn't that long, about 2-3 hours labour. so you can give a try okieee!
Read moreDon't believe in walking much to help easy deliver.. One of my friend trying so hard take stairs home everyday and insert the balloon to pump to expand the cervix area she induce for 3 days end up emergency c sect. For my case due to previous complications I can't walk much and alot bedridden and nature birth. Just relax and enjoy baby will choose how they want to come :)
Read moreHello mummy!! Firstly don’t worry as baby can go up to almost 40weeks or even abit more inside the womb, secondly u might wanna consult ur gynae as he/she might recommend c sect if baby is still in the breech position.
What is your babys weight? I'm 38weeks3days and baby is 3kg plus as of week36. I really hope I cn give birth asap
Thank you for all the responses... baby have safely arrived via Csect and he his 6 Months young already...
38 weeks and 2 days po ako ngayon no sign worried too . also my cervicx not open yet.
Now i currently 37Weeks Days 6,I will give birth 2 more day
Yup normal:) there’s still lots of time, don’t worry!
same situation sis