give birth
hi ftm! Just wanna ask at which week u guys gave birth. im currently 38 weeks and theres no sign of labour yet :-(

induced at 40 weeks,gave birth 2 days after at 19.07 pm.Baby not coming out after water break and that is already in the afternoon and i had to go for emergency c sect which i told the doctors to give me 2 hours to think but eventually i gave birth naturally.Had a fever on top of that so i was quite weak to even think and process what they were saying
Read moregave birth to my first son at 40 weeks exactly..came to hospital at 3cm dilated at 10am and induced..gave birth vaginally only the next morning at 8.09am haha :D it was long and tough but worth it !
40+1 No sign of labor up to 40w. So supposed to induce but labor sign kicks in when i was had self admitted in the hospital. Eventually emergency c-sec due to sudden high fever
Read moreAt w39+6. My water broke the day before. I also had no signs of labour other than Braxton hicks. Ftm too.
Am 38 weeks also and no detectable signs. Will labour come on suddenly ? 😅
39 weeks + 4 days. C sect due to narrow birth canal as baby was unable to move down
My children were delivered on EDD. Congratulations on your new milestone.
39weeks. Try to walk more and do squats at home. It works for me.
39w+2 c-sec as there were no symptoms that baby’s coming out
First child 39+0 Second child 39+5
Mommy of a super baby!!