I need help

Hi mummies,i'm currently 35+5 weeks now,not long till delivery.I'm an unwed muslim mum and i have some questions and rants. Firstly,when my family found out that i was pregnant,they told me to abort or even threaten to "spike" me in order for me to abort naturally.They told me that they don't want to care or look after the baby after i deliver which i say that i'm fine with it cause thru out everything i never ask for a single cent from them at all and its not that i'm arrogant or something but they asked me if the father of the child is taking responsibilities by paying the bills and everything which he did,he bought everything for the baby but now they want to take my baby away from me trying to say that we are not financially stable for a baby and that they don't like the baby's father.I admit we had some issues in the past but we worked thru it. Secondly,i'm currently 24,thinking of moving away from my house,away from my siblings and get married to my baby father after confinement,but i'm afraid that my father disagree with the marriage,can i apply for wali hakim if he does not want to be the wali?and what is the process like? thirdly,its regarding medisave.I might not have enough to pay for my own hospital bill but the baby father do.So is he allowed to only pay for the baby only?and do i have to use my father's medisave to pay for my hospital bill?#1stimemom #advicepls

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your partner needs to be your spouse in order to use his medisave. for your marriage wise i have no rights to comment but if possible try to win the blessings of your family as that is the best. your family knows how difficult it is to raise up a child that is why they are so harsh to you. think back sis, will u want your baby to follow ur footsteps? if no, then try to think in your parents position. they are wrong to have the intention to get rid of your baby. but im sure they just want the best for you. good luck in everything. i pray the best for you😊

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