mummy feeling detach from mewborn

Hi mummies I am a ftm here. Is it normal for mummy to feel detached from newborn. When everbaby gets cranky and cry, i feel like im umable to handle baby and want to detached the baby. Like too scared to handle baby. It was all fine at thehospital but ever since we return home, with my mil's care for the babyand her ability to soothe the baby when he is crying, i cant helo but feel torn btw feeling detached, yet i want to fully take care of baby on my own after confinement ends so that i can bond with baby and form secure attachment with baby. Ifeel like if i continue with the helo of my mil, it cripoles my ability to care of the baby , bond and form attachment.

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Perfectly normal. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll do just fine :)