Refusing milk after starting solids
Hello mummies, any of your babies start to refuse milk after starting solids? My 7.5mo baby just fights to drink milk and doesn’t seem to cry for milk as much anymore. She can be without milk for 8 hours?! I try to feed her worrying that she’s not drinking enough nutrients but it’s so hard when she keeps struggling and crying. I am mostly dreamfeeding her to top up. Feeling so lost 😭 Is this common? Is it a concern? What should I do?

Hi there! I totally understand your concern about your baby refusing milk after starting solids. It can be quite a worry when they seem to be drinking less milk and struggling during feeding time. It's common for babies to show less interest in milk once they start exploring solid foods. At around 6-8 months, babies are usually introduced to solids, and as they start to eat more food, their milk intake may naturally decrease. One thing you can try is offering milk before offering solid foods, so your baby isn't too full from the solids and is more willing to drink milk. You can also try different feeding positions or environments to see if that helps with the struggles during feeding time. Dreamfeeding to top up is a great idea to ensure your baby is getting enough nutrients, so keep doing that if it's working for you. It's important to remember that every baby is different, and some may naturally transition to solids more quickly than others. As long as your baby is still having wet diapers and gaining weight, she is likely getting enough nutrients. However, if you're still concerned, it's always a good idea to check in with your pediatrician just to be sure everything is on track. Hang in there, mama! It can be tough when our little ones go through changes, but you're doing a great job looking out for your baby's well-being. Take care! 😊
Read moreHello mummy! My baby started solid when he’s 6 months. At times too he will refuse his milk! Crying so badly! He wasn’t a big drinker since small, at most up till now (6m+) he will drink like 120ml every three hourly. Now with solid, two feeds were drop and he will have like at 4-5times milk time only and that too, depends on his mood to drink complete 120. Referred him to paediatric, advise to change formula milk but nothing changed! 😭 baby still on off refuse milk. I totally understand your concern 😭😭 So now if my baby refuse milk or drink abit only, I will mix milk with his cereals for dinner. At most 90ml milk with the cereal
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