Hi, any Mummies started work only when their LO is about 10months old? How did your LO deal with the seperation? And how did you handle it? I have been exclusively DL my LO, with her 24/7 since birth. I think i am the one with the seperation anxiety! Worried about her milk/ food intake. :(

I didn't start work at 10 months old, but I started school at 6-7 months old so similar? My son was okay because he was with my parents at home, played well and everything but he would cry when I leave for school ... And I cry at school because of separation anxiety too. I was an exclusively pumping mum but he was exclusively breastfed at that time, other than solids ... So it was hard (physically and mentally) to be pumping in school while thinking about him. My parents helped by sending some photos so I don't feel like I missed out that much, but it also hurts to see him meet milestones without me being around to witness it ... which was why I took time off to be a SAHM after graduation, and now doing freelance work so I can be home - but he's now in childcare!
Read moreHave you started giving her solids? If yes don't worry! If baby reject bottle, try giving it in straw bottle form. I went back to work when my LO was 2mo. i do miss my child a lot. but i place their photos on my phone as a motivation for myself to work harder
Read moreI always worried about their milk intake and good intake whenver im not with my LO. As my LO is in IFC, i will place her photos around me as an motivation. And i tell myself to trust the teachers there. Anything not right, they will def call me.
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it's normal for both mommy and babies to go through this. the only way is for time to pass and it will gradually get better for both of you.