
5 Balas

I also have to deliver baby at 38weeks. C- section is the last thing doctor will suggest. At first, they will put some pills in ur vagina, so you will feel contraction & buka jalan. If its not working, the sec choice is insert balloon in ur vagina untuk buka jalan. Last baru doctor will decide to czer itupun kalau air ketuban dah pecah, takut baby lemas. But so far i baca orang bersalin induce, 90% is bersalin normal. So dont worry šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡

my gynea said if GDM stabil with diet control can still wait till 40wks provided baby growth accordingly.tp kalau baby besar & u GDM with insulin or makan ubat, yes, max is 38 weeks.czer usually last option.dia akan cuba induce dulu.unless u mmg nk opt for elective czer.

it's common due to u hv GDM condition. I assume that u have GDM with insulins. btw u will be admitted 1st and get evaluated by a specialist. and if ur condition are good for u to deliver normally, then they will induce to make fast progress until u are ready to deliver.

GDM should deliver baby at least before 38 weeks, sebab takut baby besar sis. Nanti nak bersalin lagi susah.

yes..normal sbb Dr risau baby makin besar klu nk tggu due date

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