Regret being pregnant?

Any mummies regretted getting pregnant during their first trimester? The nausea was so bad that it changes my taste bud to feeling bitter. Every moment felt just not right. I felt nausea every single day and vomited everyday. I suddenly felt weak and didnt look forward to life everyday. Everyday is all about managing the shitty MS. Took diclectin but the side effect made it worse. Literally felt even more sick and weak. Sudden lost of social gatherings because of what you are going through and the food that you used to like eating and drinking cannot be taken just because they are raw or high in caffeine etc.. i know i should feel lucky getting pregnant but its just so much to deal with everyday.. sigh!

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second tri FTM here... im still having first tri symptoms and foods still taste weird (sour milo) or inedible (most meats tastes like metal). Every day is a struggle of what to eat without puking. My first tri was also a shock to me because of how weak i felt (cant even walk 5 min without shortness of breath). Work is also suddenly very tough because I no longer have the stamina that i used to have. But despite all this, the thought of baby makes me happy and motivated to keep trying every day. Hang in there mummy! this is just a temporary journey and at the end LO will change your life!

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