Stroller & Diaper Bag
Hi mummies! Can recommend which stroller brand is good and light weight for newborn? Prefered newborn till toddler. And diaper bag too? What type of diaper bag is good? TIA ?

I have to strollers! Evenflo and Mimosa Tablemate stroller. Both is compact able to bring inside cabin and lightweight. Can use up from newborn to toddler age 4. I did not regret buying mimosa Tablemate stroller, its rose gold and black and easy to manage single fold, easy to maneuver, big canopy,its sturdy, super spacious for baby lay down can put atleast 2-pillows. Super affordable
Read moreYou can consider Cybex. My newborn is using the Cybex Gold Eezy S stroller. It is compatible with Cybex infant car seats which can be used from newborn up to 13kg and after that, you can use the normal stroller which can be used from 6 months till 17 kg (4 years old). The folding mechanism is one-hand folding, easy to use and quite light.
Read moreI got the Joovy Balloon stroller. Also single hand opening/closing. Reversible handle so baby can be facing you or facing in front. I think for strollers, this is something that’s good to go to baby fairs and try out to see what you can accept and handle in terms of weight, ease of use, price, etc:)
Diaper bag can consider Skip Hop/Jujube, heard both is light weight. Stroller I’m using Evenflo. Brought from baby fair.
Hey, Please try Bugaboo strollers. They are very light weight and they come in various colors :)
For diaper bag, you can consider Skip Hop.
Stroller chicco bravo Diaper bag jujube
Baby Zen seem good
bugaboo is good!
Combi or Aprica