Baby bum at 5week

Hi mummies.. just a question.. im so worried tat i can’t see my bum.. isit too early. I can’t tell 😭😭.. but at the same time i tell myself my pregnancy test is positive Worried me 😭😭

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hi! dun worry, for my #1 I didn't having an obvious bump till 5mths? even then to most other mommies I looked like I merely had too full a meal 😅 now #2, bump showing up slightly earlier at 4mths, but still I hear things like: oh u are preggers? I thought it's CNY snacking 😅 yet I met a fellow preggers in the hospital, she told the nurse she was 11 weeks but her bump wayyy bigger than mine! everyone's different 😊

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I don't think it's possible for u to have a bump at 5weeks, your baby will barely even be visible on scans too. Not to worry. I had no bump at all till 37weeks for my first child n even when it appeared it was just a small bump, like slightly bloated looking, don't even look like pregnancy bump. Baby came out at 38weeks, 3.2kg

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hey mommy, don't worry at all! i'm currently at 17weeks and barely have any baby bump. 5weeks is way too early, you might not even see anything in ultrasounds apart from the sac. i did my vaginal ultrasound at 8 weeks, the baby was like only 2cm long super duper tiny literally the size of a kidney bean. :)

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3y ago

Hi maam thank u. I think im just over thinking

Baby is only the size of a sesame seed. Zero chance of baby bump for now. Still suuuuper tiny. Dont worry tooo much! 🤗 Usually baby bumps will show at ard 2nd trimester which is abt 13 weeks? ard thr. Some alil faster. But as long as baby grows well, all is fine. Take care and rest well!

3y ago

Thank you maam 🥰

Hi mummy! My bump is only obvious at second trimester haha in trimester one i just looked like i put on some weight🤭 anw its still very early at 5 weeks so baby is really small! So dont worry!

Hello! ✨ No worries MTB, I only started showing at 16 weeks! And please do not be bothered by elderlies telling you your bum should be showing/too small! You're fine ☺️💕

3y ago

Hi there thank you 🥰

VIP Member

5 weeks I don’t confirm my pregnancy also .. u can see ur baby bum after 15 th week mostly .. don’t worry take good care and enjoy ur pregnancy

Baby is still teeny-tiny. Hard to detect even with a scan. Usually, baby bump starts to slowly show at 2nd trimester. Don't worry about it.

VIP Member

Don't worry you baby bump will start to be more visible on your 12weeks onwards. Its normal that you can't see it now.

1st trimester symptoms is not about having baby bump, but rather having nausea, and tiredness etc..