Best way for birth
Mummies out there, i need ur advice pls. Caesarean or normal delivery? Epidural or no epidural? Does epidural have an effect on back pain in long run? Which is better or less painful and less effects in long term? Please assist and share ur experiences with me as i am worried. #advicepls #firsttimemom

I had normal delivery with episiotomy. 1 month recover ady. I took epidural, only side effect is my back felt a bit tired for at least 2 months. On the bright side, no scars from czer. My contraction lasted for 4 hours only as I took epidural. Initial 1 hour, like mild period cramp, this is the time you should quickly eat what you can so you have energy to push. Then slowly becomes more painful. By the 2nd hour, I almost felt like passing out. I just kept holding on to the bed frame. 3rd hour get ready for labour room, put suppository in so we will poop before go for labour. 4th hour set up epidural and wait for it to kick in. The epidural set up pain is nothing compared to the contraction. They gave some gas to inhale, no use. After epidural kicks in, you do not feel any pain including contraction. Just follow guidance from doctor and nurse on when to push, no pain at all. What is pushing, imagine you are pooping in toilet, just do the same action. Actually normal delivery with epidural is not so bad. After finish everything, doctor gave painkiller and some medicine to soften stool for a week.
Baca lagiDepends. Czer will leave scar & recovery will be longer than normal delivery. At least for me, up until 1.5months I still can't bend down properly. And first month getting in and out of bed is quite difficult. Epidural makes you feel contraction less, or maybe don't feel at all. Back pain, in the first 2-3 months will only feel if you bend a lot. If need to change diaper/ wear baby's clothes, try to do at same level where you can sit. If you are blessed with natural birth, try. But emergency czer will still be required if you are not dilated enough (less than 10cm)
Baca lagiHi.. just my opinion.. if u can normal.. then normal.. if u cannot bear the pain, then ask for epidural/gas.. its up to u.. everyone have different level of pain tolerance & different situation during child birth.. if the baby condition does not suit for normal then proceed czer.. Only Dr can advise u based on the situation.. Hope its can help u to make decision..
Baca lagiI hve my first child in 2021 thru normal delivery, induced. And 2023 thru czer, because of baby position in transverse. Even im hoping for normal delivery for my second child also. Nothing much i can do! So, what i can conclude based on my these 2 experience. Please go for normal delivery, seksa ya amat ya csec. If u can, if u dont have any option, go for normal delivery. Bersyarat. Study cara penafasan, push n etc. Goodluck! Everything is ok as long u both safe
Baca lagiIf you are able to have normal birth, then I suggest just stick to normal birth. With Czeryou might not have to experience the labor and contraction pain, but the recovery time needed for Czer is much much longer compared to normal birth. Regarding epidural, tbh it’s up to you. Everyone have a different level of pain tolerance. If you want to take it, then by all means take it. If you can stand the pain then no need to take it.
Baca lagithis depends on you. as for my experiences, I delivered all my kids normal and without epi. But it comes with knowledge especially the breathing technique on how u handle the contraction. But at the end its all comes to you, with epi or without epi if u can go for normal delivery coz level of pain tolerance is not the same for everyone 😊. I only receive episiotomy during my first born. others no.
Baca lagiIn my opinion, go for normal. I opted for ceaser thinking I don't want to go through Labor pain. But I was wrong. The pain from csec is worse. My pain lasted for 10 days after surgery. It was horrible. Even once your baby is home, you can't carry the baby cos of the Csec cut. Recovery takes a long time. I was given spinal anaesthesia. It was ok
Baca lagiuntuk first time mom ni ikut rezeki sebenarnya. kdg apa kita try, plan & rancang tak jadi pun. apapun kaedah kelahirannya, takda tujuan lain hanya nak ibu & bayi selamat. just ready mental/fizikal.
Individual pain tolerance kinda diff. Personally prefer czer. Your down there still the same 🤣and easy to clean the blood/blood clots. Easier for me to walk, sit. Talk to your doctor.
If u can do normal delivery, then proceed with normal delivery.. I undergo Caesarean section 2x, believe me, its not easy.. i really want to try normal delivery but i cant..
Mom to a princess