8 Replies

Would recommend Vit D (400IU/d) as kids are usually deficient. I like Ostelin and Natural Factors - only one drop needed. Biogaia has only one species of probiotic. Can aim to get from foods like yogurt and cottage cheese to receive more types of live cultures (good bacteria).

https://s.shopee.sg/8fAC9hvrRA vivomixx probiotics. my PD prescribed this for my baby and after doing my research, I believe this is the only brand I came across which has 8 strains of bacteria, the most I have come across. Biogaia only has one strain iirc so don't get that!

Hi, can give biogaia to your baby. Get the one with vit D if your baby is on BM https://s.shopee.sg/AKGhjFRIV1 Duolac is also quite highly recommended in my edd chat! https://s.shopee.sg/7pZMkkPakJ

Breastmilk and formula milk already contains good bacteria so actually not necessary to feed any other form of probiotics for now

I think best is to ask your PD for reccos as they might know more about the nutrients and the appropriate dosage


immugain and v propolis from dr. secret


i didnt as i think FM shd hv


yes biogaia

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