Hi babe, I requested from my boss & OB to allow me to WFH instead of going office twice per week. My boss (male with kid) is really understanding through out my pregnancy ( current 18weeks), asking me to rest and reminding me baby more important than work. As for OB side, I told him I felt dizzy and vomiting during my first trimester so he issued memo to allow me to WFH. I’m same as u, dizziness and keep vomiting too.
I was wfh that period and most time MIA, lasted about 1-2 weeks then I take urgent leave for a week to rest instead.. luckily recovered after that.. try talking to your baby wigh touching/rubbing your tummy.. it helps for me
WFH made it easier for me and I did get away doing bare minimum for work in my 1st tri.
medication, no choice. are you ftm?
Sally Tay