Persistent dizziness in early pregnancy

Hi all, I have been feeling dizzy since week 6. To alleviate my dizziness, I had to lie down (sitting down just doesn’t work). With this dizziness issue, I could barely work. However, checks from GP and gynae shows everything is normal. I don’t have much nausea and vomiting too. Anyone experiencing/experienced similar symptoms? How do you cope with it? Would it get better soon? #advice #firsttimemom #worried

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Hi me too, i had dizziness, MS and headache from week 6 and it lasted a few weeks. Then it was on and off after, less frequent in tri 2 now. My BP is usually on the low side. During tri 1, I stay home most of the time and nap alot.. Workwise, I will request to work from home on some days. If really cannot, I take mc. Just listen to your body and not force it. I tried drinking red date tea (1 bottle a day) from week 8/9 for the 1st tri, and I think it helped abit. And do move slowly when you change position. I think ventilating the room also helps.

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4d ago

I’m also having low BP in the morning. But in the clinics, it is always in the perfect range🤣 Yeah, I have been working from home where possible. But I have been taking so many MC and leave that I worry I don’t have enough to survive Tri 1. Hopefully things will be better in Tri 2. Will try out red date tea🙏

Hi, you’re not alone. I have very bad dizziness as well (started around week 5 and till now week 9). The moment i get out of the bed i will feel like my entire world is spinnning and then i’ll puke🫠 for myself i have bad motion sickness even prior to pregnancy, including when i take boats… I try to get up very very slowly when changing from a sitting or lying down position to standing up.

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4d ago

Thanks for sharing🙏 I must try to remember to get up slowly. I’m always getting out of bed too fast, then within 5 mins I will be very dizzy and had to crawl back to bed.

same here at 11weeks, no more nausea but dizzyness very bad. while cooking need to sit down already 😅



