gained weight
Hi mummies.. I’m now 31weeks I third trimester but I feel that my weight is gaining a lot. Will there be any issue? Before pregnant I’m 55kgs now is 71kgs.. very worried

hi! I gained 21kg during my first pregnancy. 11-16kg acceptable weight gain is just a guideline. As long as you and baby are healthy and not taking a lot of sugar and junk, it's all ok. If you are worried about losing the weight after pregnancy, my postnatal masseuse advice to do it (exercise or diet) within 6mths after you give birth. Easier to lose. 😊
Read moreUsually when you go for ur monthly checkup ur doctor will advise you. Best to consult n listen to them. If your baby is big most likely they might induce you to hv the baby earlier.
Ur lucky 😣I’m also 31 weeks gain total 7kg only. Cos my heartburn & reflux reduce my appetite or cnt really eat anything I like. Need to choose healthy option.
Don’t worry. I just gave birth last week. I gain 25kg in total. No prob for natural birth. And bb is 3.5kg! 😊
I have no nauseous/vomit or anyting. Didnt put on any weight till now in wk 34. In fact i lost a kg. 😂
if I gained too much will I still able to natural give birth?
Gaining weight is fine during pregnancy.
Excited to become a mum