Regards to baby size
Hi all.. my baby is now 1.58kg.. the doctor told me that actual weight should be 1.8kg.. I’m 34 weeks pregnant now.. I’m quite worried.. did anyone experience this..?

I also had a small baby. From 32 weeks my baby suddenly went below 10th percentile. I had to do weekly detailed scans and gynae warned me I may have to take baby out early because she's not growing well. I tried eating a lot of things like people recommended me (avocado, beef, took vitamins everyday, pregnancy milk). In the end I gained 2kg in a week but my baby was still not growing. At 36 weeks the detailed scan showed some bad signs so she had to be taken out immediately, she was 2kg at birth. Anyway just want to tell you sometimes there's nothing you can do but relax and keep a positive mind, small baby is really not your fault. And even if they're born small, they will still catch up quickly (mine jumped to 20th percentile now from 0.02 percentile at birth!) so don't worry so much! :) Hugs and all the best to you and baby.
Read moreHi there, even I'm going through the same case, I'm 35 Weeks pregnant, fetal weight is 1.8kg only which doctor say its too low, may need considering for early delivery. It does makes me felt worried too but I didn't bother it much, because when we get stress n worry more, we tend to get more stress and it may effect our fetal. so just try to drink milk, eat your food, enjoy the tiny movement... Maybe concentrate more on being positive and be cheerful 😊 Take care dear 😘 ❤️ Have a smooth delivery 😎
Read moreWell, I do not have that issue with my pregnancy. I am 36 weeks pregnant now and my baby weight is average. I've been consuming a pregnancy milk (Promama) It helps with baby's weight and development. Just make sure it doesn't go overboard, a friend of mine consumed Similac and her baby weight is more than average. Doctor asked her to stop drinking the milk 😂 She had to go through C-section instead of Vaginal birth. It's never too late to start consuming now!
Read moreHi there! My baby is also at a smaller size but I'm being put under high risk pregnancy and was told to induce at 38weeks. I'm currently 37 weeks. I felt that as long as baby is healthy and your amniotic fluid and blood flow to the cord is normal it should be fine! I donno my baby's weight now but as of 35 weeks my baby is at 2kg.. Just keep monitoring baby movement and eat more fruits and vegetables :)
Read moreEat durian. Very high percentage u will ve a huge huge baby. Last time my gynae said my baby only 2.6kg. So i ate alot Mao shan wang durian, only 4 days when i delivered my baby weight is 3.7kg. Ve to do c section. U better ask ur gynae to check thoroughly, dont make ur baby to big also.
yes, it's a little bit small, I'm also 34w and baby is 2.1kg yet my doctor keep saying it's in the lower side. Did ur doctor suggest anything? how about the growth? is it growing from your last visit? have to know if the baby get the nutrient from the food u eat.
Thank you so much...
Drink milk from Vishnu diary farm. It's sold in NTUC. I had the same problem. Each gynea visit during 3rd trimester he lecture me. Question me why am I not eating well. During delivery my gal was 3 plus kg.. I didn't really each much. It's the milk.
*didnt really eat much
Don’t worry just eat nutritious food. Durian and avocado are well known in helping in baby’s growth! My Gynae reminded me not to eat durian coz she worried that my baby will be too big..😁
I’m also confused because i went at 31 weeks 6 days and my baby is 1.39kg. I was told his size if okay but i read online that he is too small
Drink maternal milk to increase nutrients for baby. Have some durian in limited amount to help increase growth of baby weight too. :)
1 active toddler and baking 1 lil girl.