6 Replies

maybe you can consider changing the formula milk cause my baby also used to drink lactogen from kkh till 2mths old then we switched to Nan formula milk which is more nutritious and can make my lo's stomach more filling (:


VIP Member

go with your instinct...you know your baby best. Is your baby a boy? They tend to drink more milk and gets hungry faster...for my boys at least

ikr 😂

How many months is LO ? Its okay to add , but not too much , and consult your PD . Is your baby started solid yet ?

wow . Maybe try add 30mls first ?

If you prefer feeding your baby this brand, you can increase the ml.. alternative, I recommend Friso 😊

lactogen is too light. baby dun feel full. thats why every 2 to 3 hours need to feed


increase milk and drag time

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