Bleeding in first trimester
hello mummies, Im currently at week 6/7 but throughout weeks 4-6, I have been having on and off bleeding. The amount varies from spotting to period like and usually last less than a day. Am on hormone pill given by gynae, but it still worries me. Anyone with similar encounter? Need some hope and good vibes 💕 Thanks in advance!

hi...i have the exact same symptom...the first time it leds to miscarriage...then 2nd pregnancy, it happens again and i took the hormome pills prescribe by doctor for 1 mth, and currently in my 20 wks... take as much rest as possible and dont stress most importantly...when spotting appear, rush to kkh ane immediately and have the doc to assess, dont delay...according to my doc, there is nth they can do to avoid a miscarriage cause it was due to chromosome irregularity...
Read moreUpdate: had my scan ytd, but gynae didnt manage to see any sac, and my endo lining is thin, likely a miscarriage has occurred 🤍 took a blood test and will review again in 2 days thank you for the replies 🤍
It can either be implantation bleeding or threatened miscarriage. Do you have any followup appt ? Usually doc will give progesterone shot & take duphaston for few weeks.
Hi mummies, Anyone can share their experience in parkway medical maturity ward? My first pregnancy is at TMC and I'm open to try others