15 Replies

Mine used to have hiccups in the womb a few times a day, everyday during my third trimester. It’s perfectly fine. Now that my baby is 2 weeks old, she’s still having the hiccups sometimes.

Mine too 10 mins. I think that's normal right. Really cute though the small hiccups. At first I thought why is my tummy ticking? Hahaha

just wondering how do you tell hiccups apart from regular baby kicks/punches? FTM here, so I'm curious how hiccups feel different from other movements 😅

Hiccups for me feels like very small regular movements every 1-2 seconds and lasts 1-2minutes and I usually feel it where baby’s head area is! Punches and kicks are stronger and more definitive movements and may not be at such small intervals!

nothing to be worried, experienced baby hiccups since 2nd trimester..... hiccups everyday during 3rd trimester. now she is 2 months old, everything is fine.


Experienced recently for few minutes. I tried walking and tapping the tummy where hiccups were felt. Then it stopped. Not sure whether coincidence or it works haha

Yup mine also same.. I asked my gynae about it and thought it was the baby heartbeat. but the gynae says it is the hiccups... i felt it for quite sometimes..

Mine lasted 15-20 mins and a few times in a day. Nothing to worry about! She’s now a healthy 9 months!

Me, i'm so happy whenever she's moving inside my tummy!. 😊it's normal..

Was about to search for this. It was my first time to experience baby hiccups that lasted for mins.

It is normal, don’t worry. Suggest to always consult gynae when in doubt.

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