What to do?
Hello Mummies, I’m about 5 weeks pregnant and I’m having light headache? And feel so bloated? I’m having backache too.. like I’m feeling sick... Is this normal?

yup its normal, I have bloated tummy and my gynae gave me folic acid pills and another type of pill to relax my uterus, this probably will help with the bloat. Thanks Navya Ashok for the advice too, will follow this for a few weeks and hope the bloat will go away :)
5to7 months second trimester of pregnancy during this period morning sickness comes to end. Baby grows and uterus expanded so adequate urination. some times little headache is also normal. Drink water do light warmup excercise and walking. Enjoy your pregnancy
It's normal, so be sure to consult your ob and take your prenatal vit. It will surely a big help
Yes, it is quite normal, although if you consult your Dr, that would be much more reliable.
Yes normal .. just eat right amount of easily digestible food for few days .. tc
yes normal to feel sick during first trimester
Totally normal