
Hi mummies, I’d like to seek what’s your take on this. I’ve just returned to work from my maternity last month. My employer informed me that the company is looking at cutting manpower and have to let go of some employees. They mentioned it has nothing to do with my performances or anything else personal, other than the context where the company is not making money, thus the downsizing. They’d asked me to submit my resignation letter to them instead of retrenching me so that it would look better for me when I seek a new job. From my point of view, it felt like they wanna avoid paying retrenchment benefits as compensation for the loss of employment. Thus, they insisted that I submit my resignation instead and claimed that this is not a retrenchment. I’m upset/uncomfortable with the decision as I felt like I’m being forced to resign. The thought of how hard it gonna be to look for a new job with an infant makes it worse. Would you oblige and submit your resignation (so that it won’t ruin your reputation when seeking a new job) or get them to terminate you instead and seek compensation (but doesn’t reflect so well on you)? 😔

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