Hire confinement nanny or no?

Hello, mummies. I would really appreciate some advice regarding the decision to hire a confinement nanny. As first-time parents, my husband and I are feeling a bit uncertain about how to handle a newborn and manage the confinement period effectively. However, my husband seems to think that it would be a waste of money to hire a confinement nanny because he plans to take his one month of paternity leave and take care of both me and the baby. While I value my husband's support and his belief in his ability to care for us, I have some reservations. He has no prior experience with newborns, and I'm concerned that he might not be fully aware of all the specific needs and requirements during the confinement period additionally he tends to adapt to situations as they arise and doesn't typically engage in extensive research on such topics. He also mentioned that his mother, who raised him and his siblings, will be knowledgeable about handling babies and can cook confinement food using herbs and meat. However, I worry that while their intentions are good, they may not possess the professional expertise required to handle the baby correctly, which could lead to disagreements and compromise my much-needed rest and recovery. Moreover, I have come across information suggesting that improper confinement practices may lead to long-term health issues in old age. Considering this, I firmly believe that hiring a confinement nanny is not a waste of money. Their professional guidance can help ensure that outdated practices or superstitious beliefs, such as feeding the baby TCM/water or other old wife tales, are avoided and that the baby's well-being is prioritized. I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to effectively communicate my concerns to my husband and help him understand the importance of having a confinement nanny or how can I go ahead without a confinement nanny and still ensure that I will be at ease to go with his way for myself and my baby to be in my husband and in law care?

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Hi mum, if you have the means, and if it would put your worries to rest, maybe you can hire a confinement nanny. You can compromise with your husband this way - hire a nanny for at least one week (to make sure you really get to rest after giving birth, which is crucial to your health) to teach your husband how to care for the baby, and then let husband take over the caregiving duties once the nanny leaves. If you do decide to forego getting a confinement nanny, then you could also prepare a to-do and not to-do list for husband and other relatives who will be helping you care for your child. Just so everybody is on the same page. You can check theAsianparent website on more articles for newborn care. Hope this helps!

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