To go back to work now or later

Hello mummies, I would like to hear your opinions. I am a FTM and prior to this i was working full time. I came back from my maternity leave in March and served my notice period and left work end April this year. I was very sure that i wanted to be a SAHM until my girl turns 18 months or earliest until she turns 1 so i am able to watch her milestones before sending her to school. Currently my girl is 7 months + and i have been offered a part time job, 3 days work week 8:30am to 6pm on weekdays only (Mon, Tues, Fri) for 6 months. I am in a dilemma as i'm not 100% sure if i should take up this part time role now or should i wait at least until my girl turns 1. I have my own personal development in mind but at the same time i also feel guilty of leaving my child for work. My concern is that will it be difficult to find a job if i go back to workforce later on with 6mnths to a year gap in my career? Financial wise is not an issue as my hubby is supportive to whichever decision i make. I do have arrangement for my child to be taken care as well if i were to go back to work.

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I m working full time and with my first baby i went back after ML. Much as i would like to spend time wif my gal, i still prefer to work. Like one of the person here, i prefer having my own income thou i earn v little. Hb prefers me to work as well so tat i can spend on myself. He has been paying for our girl and even with no 2, he will still do the same. I am prob also not one who can stay at home n take care of kids (i cannot imagine my sanity)

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