Dont feel stress and dont be sad. Especially dont blame or tell yourself that you arent doing enough. My first i never BF, i was exhausted, working, and low supply. My second i tried so hard and i did for 10months. So some women are very blessed to have plenty of BM and some arent. Remember FM isnt a poison so dont feel bad. As long as baby is well fed and happy :)
me too. supply is bad and sad. tried taking suplement from legendairy milk and even from the doc, eat lots of greens and protein still supply cannot make it. i guess breastfeeding 100% is not meant for me. cheer up, as long as LO grows healthily that is all that matters ♡
Hi mama can have many reasons why you have Low supply. Follow this page for tips @legendairymilksg they have helped me a lot in my breastfeeding journey
Hi mummy, dont feel bad about it! Are you latching baby? I started off giving formula too. And then followed a LC advice to give half feed in the bottle (formula or ebm) and finish off by latching baby. Did that and pumped 3 hourly until I'm confident with my supply. Managed to breastfeed my girl fully at 1.5 months. Dont give up💪