Unsolicited Feedback

Hi Mummies! I have 2 beautiful daughters and currently 15 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child & I am praying for a baby boy which I think its fair enough since I am already blessed with daughters already. 😅 My issue is about some of my friends/colleagues who kept giving me unsolicited feedback about my pregnancy although they knew that I am praying for a son. 😡 “I think its a girl” “Forget about having a son, its a girl” “No leh, it looks like a girl” I don’t mind having another girl! Babies are blessing and God knows whats best for me but how can I make this insensitive people to just shut up? Honestly because of it, I don’t like to go out with them because they will just keep talking about my bump & how I changed physically. 🥺🥺🥺

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Some people are just insenstive. Dont bother about negative people