I think it helps to have a gynae who's good with stitches. Dr Phoon Jessie from STOG did an excellent stitch, even the nurse next to her was impressed. I vaguely recalled that I could have sex 1 month PP and using of washroom right after childbirth was ok for me too. Nothing too unusual. I had natural birth.
I am going to be 3month PP and we tried having sex but it was painful for me that I had to ask my husband to stop .. also wondering if I should see gyane on this... natural birth here and had a 2nd degree tear. last visit gyane said the healing was good. dk what to do also ..sigh 😕
same, i also had natural birth + stitches. my gynae also said i was healing well and cleared me... been feeling the pain during sex from after 3M PP too and it's not getting better even now at 5M. sigh
Did you have natural birth or csect? For me csect after 6 weeks still ok so far no pain. Might check with gynae
I had natural birth and had stitches so maybe that's why 🥲