2 month old milk intake
Hi mummies! May I check how many ML is your baby drinking at 2 month old?

120-150ml , formula fed baby... I will let her sleep through and not wake her up. Once she's awake then will feed her. She can go up to 8-10 hrs not drinking milk and sleep through all the way 😅
It depends.. My baby is only 2 weeks only.. Already drinking 60 to 90ml and per day about 800ml to 1l.... U try about 90ml? And also depends on if its breast milk or formula
Girl. 110ml BM. Can drink more, but i worry about reflux problem thus nv increase. As long as the baby is gaining weight, nothing to worry 😃
90-130ml 6-7 feeds a day. My baby is 2 months 28 days now and on mixed BM+FM due to her silent reflux problem.
130ml, girl, bm every bottle feed ( total 4 times a day) the other times I latch her
Boy, 4weeks old. 110 to 120ml formula or breast milk.
Girl, 60ml every 2 hourly, bm.
150 - 180ml mix BM n formula