Postpartum OCD

Hi mummies, my husband has been asking me to visit a psychiatrist as he thinks that I have postpartum OCD. I became very sensitive to hygiene when it comes to my LO. For example, I would demand people to wash their hand before touching my LO or I will shower my LO after that. I also feel very uncomfortable when others kiss my LO as I am worried that they will spread germs to my LO. I will wipe my LO’s face whenever people kiss her and sometimes i will shower her if her hair gets oily (facial oil) from the person who kissed her. Usually after i shower my LO, i will not bring her out of my room already (as my mother-in-law will always touch my LO’s hand without washing hers). Am I being over protective? Do you think I need to visit a psychiatrist? Sorry mummies i need your advices. TIA!

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