Nausea and migraines

Hey mummies to be, am a first time mum and have had nausea and daily vomiting, sometimes more than once a day. Tried to keep away from smell triggers but my daily commute to work requires me to walk past some food hawkers. Wearing a mask constantly. Have been having this vomiting and migraines since week 7 and even though it should get better in trimester 2, am still getting vomiting episodes at week 16. Migraines are more frequent too. Any other mummies still experiencing nausea and migraines in tri 2? Drinking icy cold water helps but will drinking it all the time risk my bb having asthma?

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If your nausea symptom is affecting your daily life, it’s good to get your gynae to prescribe you pills (DICLECTIN) for nausea. Those pills are expensive but they really help me get through my morning sickness and allow me to have better appetite so that my baby can be well fed with nutrients. But do inform your gynae if you have any medicine allergy in case DICLECTIN is not suitable for you.

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I am having the same issue for my second pregnancy now and Bonjesta (upgraded new version of Dicletin) really helped. I throw up less often but still get nauseous at times. FYI I had Dicletin till week 30 for my firstborn and everything turned out fine 😊 There should be no side effects, besides being a little more lethargic after taking Dicletin/ Bonjesta.

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Yes Diclectin helps me alot with my morning sickness. Please get your gynae to prescribe you that and you only have to take it once every night compare to others antiemetics drugs.

An inexpensive home remedy my gynae recommended me was drinking apple cider vinegar - worked wonders for my morning sickness and nausea while commuting.