9 weeks pregnant
Hi Mummies... This is my first pregnancy and it's been 9 weeks. Will it be too early for me to do an ultrasound scan? Will I be able to see anything?

Alhamdulillah! I went for my first scan at 5w 4d and I thought I was already 7w according to Flo app and LMP (last menstrual period). I could see the little heart beating via the pelvis ultrasound although it was so so tiny. Doc could also estimated my EDD by then but I was asked to come back to confirm EDD again as it was still too tiny. I would say go Polyclinic for referral if you’re thinking of KKH under subsidy. I’ll be doing all the scans and tests until 2nd tri then will switch to private in my 3rd tri, save money a bit. Heh. Good luck!
Read moreCongratulations! Usually heartbeat can be heard at week 8, so do go book your gynae appointment soon :)
Thank you to all of you Mummies for your responses! I really appreciate it so much ❤
9 weeks can hear heartbeat . It’s not early alrd. Go make an appointment
Yes, rmb to start making appt! My first appt was at 8 weeks. :)
Hi. You should be able to see and hear heartbeat from 8 weeks onwards
It’s never too early! Book your appointment soon! 🤍
congratulations! its never too early. :)
9 weeks can see bb form already
do 💕
Proud Mama Princess