Negative thoughts.

Hi mummies. Do you ever feel very sad for being pregnant? I feeling it right now. I feel very weak and i feel very hungry most of the times and i have no idea what to cook or eat anymore. Then people ard you keep telling you. You shouldn't follow what you feel you have to fight. You get me ? Sometime i even questions myself am i even ready to be a mom ..

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Hi there, I feel you. I even left my career when I was 8wks pregnant coz I was too tired & nauseous. 5 weeks later, I’m feeling so lost. I used to be so financially independent, but now I’m just so helpless. Fight what feelings? Ppl don’t go through what we went through. What we felt..

3y ago

i hope you doing well now mummy. stay strong. Do what best for you and baby alright ❤