2 Replies

Hi there! I totally understand how challenging it can be when your premature baby is not keen on drinking milk. It's not uncommon for premature babies to have difficulty with feeding, so you're definitely not alone in this. One thing you can try is to create a calm and soothing environment for feeding time. Premature babies can be easily overstimulated, so finding a quiet and peaceful space for feeding might help your little one relax and be more open to drinking milk. You can also experiment with different feeding positions to see if your baby responds better to a certain position. Some premature babies find it easier to feed in a more upright position, while others may prefer being cradled or held in a specific way. It's also important to talk to your pediatrician about your baby's feeding issues. They may have some additional tips or could check for any underlying medical issues that could be causing the reluctance to drink milk. Above all, be patient with both yourself and your baby. It can take time for premature babies to adjust to feeding, so don't get disheartened if progress feels slow. Hang in there, and I hope these insights are helpful for you! You're doing a great job, mama! 💕 https://invl.io/cll6she

My daughter was born 36 week (borderline premature) weight 3kg & she has no issue with breastfeeding til now - 6 months. She in fact drinks a lot & gains so much weight. 8kg at 5 months.

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