baby pacifier

Hi mummies, my daughter going to turn 1month soon. Isit ok to start giving her pacifier?

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I suppose it’s fine. Mine started to need it a little early around 3 weeks but it helps to calm her down. She’s 3 months now and she’s all happy n lovely! 😍

yes can start nw,my bb dislike the flat one but super love this avent soothie...

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Super Mum

If baby has already been latching well and feeding well, then it should be ok:)

I give my baby too..but her pacifier keep drop make her very angry haha

Yup. But not all baby will like it.. can give it a try though :)

YES. I gave my 1st and 2nd born at 2 weeks.

VIP Member

u can try, not all babies like pacifier

VIP Member

yes i give my baby around 1 month also

VIP Member

Yes, mine started at around 1 Mo too.

Yes i also gave my son at one month