Shows that we watch
Hi mummies. Am curious to know if anyone’s watching criminal profiling shows cos I love them but my paranoid husband refuses to let me watch them as he thinks it might affect the baby. Is it okay to watch such shows during my pregnancy? Please advice thank you!

Honestly when people tell me not to do this or that (especially superstitious beliefs) i ask them to back it up with evidence or just link me to articles explaining why. The stress from not being able to do the things we love has a higher likelihood of affecting the baby than whatever they’re paranoid about 😅😅😅
Read moreI watch true crimes shows and even listen to their podcasts. haha. As long as you yourself are not so affected by it (mentally), it should be OK. For me, it is the really scary horror movies/shows I can't handle. They really can psyche me up so I avoid them.
I loveee horror & suspense shows b4 preggy. But my partner really discourage me from watching them so I've been listening to horror podcast instead. Haha But in all honesty, if it doesn't affect you emotionally/mentally then should be fine la
same here but my everyone around me say I should avoid such shows and watch happy one cause how we feel emotionally will affect our baby. But at times I just watch a mixture. No horror for me and I belief not good for baby if you got scared
I'm watching them too cos they are my fav genre. we are not superstitious... and I personally feel such genre requires a strong mentality and a liking for problem solving... these are advantages of a character isn't it 😆😆
Hey, I think it’s fine? If these beliefs are true, maybe your child might be a investigator, police or criminology psychologist in the future? Haha. I think it’s okay as long you personally are comfortable with it.
hmmm we all have same kinda husbands?? my husband just banned me watching a netflix documentary on transgender... if only he knew the amount of horror shows I secretly watched during my first pregnancy 😂
Same here. I like criminal, suspense and horror shows. And husband doesn't want me to watch voilence stuff. But i watch them anyways.
Haha I’ve been watching taxi driver, all of us are dead I think the baby will be fine if we as mummies are happy and entertained
I tink its ok. People tell me not to watch horror/read ghost stories but i still did anyway.. i loveeee horror shows n movies 😂