Hi mummies, anyone experiencing hair fall? When i was preg and after delivery i didnt have much hair fall. However, nw with no2(5mths), i experience very scary hair fall. The age gap between no1 and no2 is 8mths. Can i go for treatment or anything? What have ur done to control or lessen the hairfall? Thanks.
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Hi there. There is nothing that will guarantee the improvement. It's hormonal changes and every one is slightly different. Generally hair does not fall during pregnancy and will start to fall abt 4+months for as long as u are breastfeeding and a while more as it is linked to prolactin (they didn't tell u huh). But because now u pregnant again, the hormones and the hair fall cycle is messed up again. U just have to wait it out. Some pple literally become bald or even drop fingernails. U can try those phyto shampoo or treatment or whatever but the help they can give is only going to be marginal yar. I also experiencing a lot of hair fall.
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