My 2 month old won't take medications, what to do :(

Hi mummies, my 2 month old girl has acid reflux and the PD prescribed her some medications called Zantac and Motilium. When I tried feeding her the meds with a syringe she screamed and lashed out and spit it all out. So I mixed it with the milk to feed her by a bottle but she ended up refusing to drink the milk too :(. When I tried tasting the med it's really bitter, no wonder why she didn't like it! Any tip on how to make her take it?

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VIP Member

Try to use 1ml syringe for newborn baby and pls shoot in at the side of her mouth to prevent spilling and choking. You can press a little bit of her nose to initiate swallowing (polyclinic nurse taught me the trick) :)

VIP Member

if the reflux is not serious, i would skip medication for a 2 month old young baby. i would try massage and tilt the bed and slp on the left side to let baby feel more comfortable.

VIP Member

other than syringes, we try using spoon too! just be prepared for the extra mess!

VIP Member

Try to mix it with honey water

5y ago

no honey for babies under one. There's a risk of botulism.