running for the bus
My mum say cuz I am in first trimester I should be careful of my steps, dont walk too fast and don't run for the bus etc. Online say light running is OK. Do you believe it will affect my pregnancy chance of miscarriage? I was almost late and I just ran for the bus unknowingly, crap.

Hmm I think just be very careful and try your best not to. I ran on the treadmill during 2nd trimester for a month because was afraid that I gain too much weight and I might get GD. Then my gynae advice me not to lol. 😂. But luckily baby turn out to be fine.
Try to walk fast instead of running or dash for the bus. I also in first trimester and I try not to dash. I'm usually dash 100m for buses too. Hehe. First trimester have to be more caution.
I have also chased for MRT during my first trimester and got scolded by my boss the next day. Yes, definitely not safe to do such running and chasing because you may bump into anyone.
Not everyone pregnancy is the same. Please don't compare with the rest. I think brisk walking is fine, avoid any bouncing or jumping. Just careful during the first 3 months:)
I joined 5km marathon when I was 5 weeks. Basically only quick walk throughout the run.. Light running is fine but there is risk might trip and fall, need to be careful.
better don't run.. Some times when I need to catch a bus, I walk faster and keep telling baby that mummy is catching a bus, so he can hold tight. Lol
Lol my friend ran for the bus at 7 months, that woman is a legend. I was just strolling everywhere. If really late, then so be it
Try to walk fast instead of run. Think she was worried you may slip or bump to someone. For you and your baby safety. Take care.
Haha dont worry. Ran for the bus during my 1st tri too. And hehe just ran even at 16 weeks✌ but better be careful
Whoa at 16 was. Thanks I will!
Dont worry i have been walking 30mins brisk walking daily.. But dont sprint or dash kind ... fast walk is ok
Whoa I should start doing that for my daily exercise. Thanks for the advice!
First time mummy